
【2024】Introducing the anazawatenjinsha inagishi! Gleaming lights, vibrant festival


Gleaming lights, vibrant festival


Basic Information

Here’s a detailed overview of the 2024 穴澤天神社 稲城市 festival.

  • Address: 3292 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Tokyo
  • Phone Number: 042-377-0055
  • Access: 10-minute walk from Keio Yomiuri Land Station
  • Festival Days: August 21st (Wed) – 25th (Sun), 2024

Main Events and Attractions of the Festival

The 2024 穴澤天神社 稲城市 festival offers a variety of exciting events and attractions for visitors of all ages.

獅子舞 (Lion Dance)

One of the main highlights of the festival is the獅子舞 (Lion Dance). This traditional Japanese dance is performed by three獅子 (lions) and a天狗 (long-nosed goblin). The獅子舞 is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. Visitors can enjoy this lively and colorful performance on the festival grounds.

江戸の里神楽 (Edo-style Kagura)

Another popular attraction is the江戸の里神楽 (Edo-style Kagura). This traditional Japanese performing art combines music, dance, and storytelling. The江戸の里神楽 is performed by local residents and is a great way to experience Japanese culture and history.

屋台 (Food Stalls)

No Japanese festival is complete without屋台 (food stalls)! At the 穴澤天神社 稲城市 festival, visitors can enjoy a wide variety of delicious Japanese foods, includingたこ焼き (octopus balls),焼きそば (fried noodles), and焼き鳥 (grilled chicken). There are also many sweet treats available, such asたい焼き (fish-shaped cakes) andかき氷 (shaved ice).

縁日 (Traditional Games)

In addition to the獅子舞,江戸の里神楽, and屋台, the festival also features a variety of縁日 (traditional games). These games are a fun way for children and adults alike to test their skills and win prizes. Some of the most popular縁日 games include金魚すくい (goldfish scooping),射的 (shooting gallery), and輪投げ (ring toss).

Blessings and Deities

The 穴澤天神社 稲城市 festival is dedicated to three deities: 少彦名命 (Sukunahikona no Mikoto), 菅原道真公 (菅原道真公), and 大己貴命 (Oonamuchi no Mikoto).

  • 少彦名命 is the deity of medicine, health, and longevity.
  • 菅原道真公 is the deity of scholarship and learning.
  • 大己貴命 is the deity of good fortune, wealth, and prosperity.

Visitors to the festival can pray to these deities for blessings in their lives.

Origin and History

The 穴澤天神社 稲城市 festival has a long and storied history. The shrine itself was founded in the 4th year of the reign of Emperor Koan (孝安天皇4年), which corresponds to 392 BCE. The festival is believed to have originated around the same time.

Over the centuries, the festival has grown and evolved. New events and attractions have been added, and the festival has become a major event in the city of Inagi.

Tips and Notes for Visitors

Here are a few tips and notes for visitors to the 穴澤天神社 稲城市 festival:

  • The festival is held on August 21st to 25th, 2024.
  • The festival grounds are located at 3292 Yanokuchi, Inagi City, Tokyo.
  • The festival is open from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM each day.
  • Admission to the festival is free.
  • There are a variety of food and drink stalls at the festival.
  • There are also a number of games and activities for children.
  • The festival is a popular event, so it is recommended to arrive early to avoid crowds.

Parking Information

There is limited parking available at the festival grounds. Visitors are encouraged to use public transportation or park in nearby parking lots.

  • There is a parking lot located at the Inagi City Hall, which is a 5-minute walk from the festival grounds.
  • There is also a parking lot located at the Inagi City Gymnasium, which is a 10-minute walk from the festival grounds.

Popular Stalls and Food Carts in Recent Years


Type of Stall Description
Takoyaki A staple at Japanese festivals. Characterized by a crispy outside and a creamy inside.
Jaga Butter A simple yet popular snack of hot potatoes lavishly topped with melted butter.
Baby Castella Small castella cakes, sweet and fluffy treats enjoyed by children and adults alike.
Grilled Ayu with Salt Fresh ayu fish grilled whole with salt, a savory taste of Japanese summer.
Shaapin A unique gourmet item influenced by foreign cuisine, with a chewy skin wrapping the filling.
Okonomiyaki A Japanese grilled dish where you often choose your own ingredients for a personalized flavor.
Cotton Candy A fluffy, sweet snack that’s extremely popular with children.
Chocolate Banana A banana coated in chocolate, a fun and visually appealing dessert.
Kushiyaki Various types of ingredients skewered and grilled, an easy-to-enjoy snack.
Yakisoba Fried noodles mixed with a special sauce, a fast food favorite in Japan.